This typeface was crafted in Fontographer 3.1 by Altsys. The typeface design has been inspired by a display face named Publicity Gothic. This face has an attractive rough-edged look and is designed to be used as a display face at large sizes. The typeface was originally designed with upper-case characters only. A ╥reminder╙ character appears in the lower-case positions. If you are not careful this ╥reminder╙ character can be annoying if you are imaging on-screen with ATM (these characters are removed and other improvements are made in the real version that will be sent to you after you register and send in your shareware fee). The typeface is fully usable in its present form and should provide you a fair opportunity for evaluation. The typeface has many kerning pairs installed making it relatively problem-free when using it in display settings.
THIS WORK IS SHAREWARE. You may use the typeface on a trial basis for five days. If you find the typeface useful and decide to keep it, please send a shareware fee of $15.00 to me at the address listed below. I believe this to be a reasonable fee considering the hours of work required to craft this typeface. Upon receipt of the fee I will send you an update of the font containing many improvements and an ADDITIONAL TYPE-1, ATM-COMPATIBLE, POSTSCRIPT FONT FREE as a reward for registering with me.
Look for more Postscript typefaces from me in the future. My public offerings will depend on the shareware fees I receive.
Bryan J. Radue
Underground Type & Graphics
3711 Libal Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
Compuserve: 71061,3155
America Online: Khnum
Thank you for trying Mesozoic Gothic!
This Stuffit archive has been provided to the DTP Forum on the Compuserve network. Anyone else wishing to formally distribute this archive in any way should first obtain permission from me at the address listed above.